
     +  Full Colour Floor Plans

Comprehensive Floor Plans
Fully detailed and dimensioned with all interior rooms and spaces within the building envelope including attached garages, as well as relevant exterior features such as stairs, patios,
balconies, attached carports, etc.
Includes your logo
and contact information.
Includes Property Summary Form.
- 9¢ per SF of all measured and drawn areas as described above.*
- 5¢ per square foot for items such as 'usable' crawlspaces to determine extent,        
  measure only of exterior garages, garden sheds, etc. Please confirm which areas you  
  would like to have included prior to commencement of measuring.

Basic Floor Plans
Fully detailed and dimensioned with all interior rooms and spaces within the building envelope. Includes your logo and contact information.
No exterior features measured or shown
No Property Summary Form provided
- 9¢ per SF of all measured and drawn areas.*

Click on the PDF symbol on the sidebar for a better view of this sample
Colour Floor Plan.

Prices and services subject to change without notice. All work subject to applicable taxes.

* Minimum rate of $150 applies. This would cover up to 1667 SF of measured and drawn area.